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Mastering Self-Discipline: A Guide to Success

"Mastering Self-Discipline: A Guide to Success"

A thing that can save you from wandering here and there, that can take you far ahead of others, that you consider a burden,

This is something that you will see in every successful person.

If I tell you that that thing is self-discipline, 99% people will leave this post right now.

"That's why only top 1% are successful"

But I want with all my heart that you read this post completely.

And just try to understand


As you grow up, you become conditioned to not consider yourself responsible for your life, and this is normal.

Because as Brian Tracy says, "When you are a child, your parents are in charge. They make all your decisions. They decide what food you will eat, what clothes you will wear, what toys you will play with, what home you will live in, what school you will attend, and what activities you will engage in during your spare time"

Because you are young, innocent, and unaware,

you do what they want you to do. You have little choice or control.

Since childhood, we have been programmed in this way, so unconsciously we feel that there is still someone else who is responsible for our life.

Brian Tracy says "the more you accept responsibility, the greater sense of control you experience"

The more you accept your own responsibility, the more control you feel (over your life). The more you find yourself strong, powerful and purposeful.

This means that no matter what your current situation is, by accepting your responsibility you can make any part of your life better and stronger.

Brian Tracy says, "Everyone wants to be successful, everyone wants to be happy, wants to be healthy, wants to become rich"

But most people are not ready to pay its price. They always have a good excuse for not having discipline, but for considering it a burden, "because it's so easy to do"

“Effortless Action=Self-Discipline”

Lao Tzu says, "a cluttered mind leads to forceful action."

When there are so many thoughts, emotions, doubts, distractions running through your mind, it becomes very difficult to do anything in such a situation This is why many people are afraid of self-discipline.

True discipline comes from uniting yourself with the present moment,

Not by getting lost in your thoughts, or emotions, or in regrets and fantasies of the past or future. When you come out of this illusion and are in the present, At that moment everything becomes clear, your goal, the path to reach it, And which path are you walking on now, what do you have to do now, Everything becomes clear and you have a deeper understanding.

One realizes that self-discipline or focusing is not something to be afraid of, all this is already present within us, it is in our nature.


A seed never forgets to grow, first a seed, then a plant, and then a huge tree, but in the meantime it goes through many difficulties.

Even if it gets destroyed, it will never happen that it forgets to grow,

It is his nature to grow,

Lao Tzu says, "Many problems arise when we want to control the outcome"

When we want to say, I am doing this, then the result should be this.

Lao Tzu says that when we simply accept the outcome instead of trying to control it, then many problems automatically disappear.

Marcus Aurelius says in his book "Meditation"

If you don't live up to your ideals or your full potential, don't get discouraged and stop, keep trying, don't be deceived by small pleasures.

Remember that doing work, fulfilling your purpose, doing any meaningful work, all this is to live according to human nature, eating, drinking and sleeping, animals and even demons do this.

Whatever is in front of you in your life Pay attention to it, whether it's a thought, word, or action

You have the freedom to choose both good and bad.

You can choose now or keep postponing it till tomorrow as usual,

Thomas Stanley and William Danko explain in their book "The Millionaire Next Door" that In 25 years, they interviewed more than 500 millionaires and surveyed more than 11,000 people. 

during this time they asked them, “How were you able to become financially independent, when you, along with others, started from the same place, but they are still struggling.”

90 percent answered "I didn't have a better education or more intelligence, but I was willing to work harder than anyone else"

I don't have a better education or , I Wasn't intelligent, but I was willing to work harder than others.

Marcus Aurelius says, "Everything is made for some purpose

The sun even will say, I have my business assigned, what were you made for? For your pleasure?"

Marcus Aurelius says

Anyone with common sense will deny this thing.

The Seven-Step Method to Achieving Your Goals (by Brian Tracy)

By following this method you can achieve your goals easily and quickly.

Step 1: Decide Exactly What You Want.

First of all decide exactly which app you want.

Like "If you want to lose weight, then don't say yes, I also want to lose weight."

Rather specify that "I want to lose 6 kg within 3 months."

Step 2: Write It Down.

Now write down your goal “I want to lose 6kg in 3 months”

And keep it somewhere where you can see it, read it, touch it.

Step 3: Set a Deadline for Your Goal.

First we decided (I have to lose 6 kg in 3 months), then wrote it,

Now we have to set a deadline that "Within 1 month I have to lose 2 kg, then 2 kg in the second month, and then 2 kg in the third month."

Why Deadline ?

Because it forces our mind, or works like a pressure. By setting a deadline, our subconscious mind works faster to achieve the goals we have set.

Sometimes you will achieve your goals even before the deadline.

Sometimes you may not be able to do it,

But when you are not able to do it, you have to set the deadline again.

step 4: make a list

Now you have to make a list, in which whatever problems or difficulties you are facing, whether they are external or internal, you have to write them down calmly and thoughtfully.

Like "eating unhealthy things, doing very little exercise, or not working out regularly, or not following a diet, or hanging out with people who distract you."

All those things which are stopping you, write them in this list.

Step 5: Organize Your List

Now that you've compiled your list of challenges and obstacles, it's time to bring order to the chaos. Take a moment to review each item on your list and assess its significance in relation to your goals. Identify the most pressing issues—the ones that stand between you and your aspirations—and assign them top priority. These are the tasks that demand your immediate attention and action.

Step 6: Take Action on Your Plan Immediately

Now whatever plan you have made, work on it immediately.

Take the first step, then the second, then the third, and so on.

Don't delay, don't postpone, do the work

step 7: Consistent Action:

Every day, every week, 365 days a year, make it your unwavering commitment to engage in actions that propel you forward on your journey towards your aspirations. Whether it's a small task or a significant stride, each effort contributes to the momentum of progress. By consistently taking steps towards your goal, you cultivate the habit of success and pave the way for achievement.


As you embark on this journey of self-discovery, remember that greatness lies within your grasp. By embracing responsibility, cultivating mindfulness, and following a structured approach, you can unleash your full potential. Self-discipline isn't a burden; it's a catalyst for transformation. So, take the first step today, and let the transformative power of self-discipline propel you towards your brightest future..

This is the need + Power of self-discipline 

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