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Top 7 Food list for vitamin A with picture

The best Food list for vitamin A

1 egg:
Mainly in eggs B2, B5, B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium, Calcium, are found. where iron removes anemia and also circulates oxygen throughout the body. The same Vitamin A keeps the skin healthy and also helps in increasing eyesight. And vitamin D strengthens our bones as well as cures cancer and immune system And Vitamin B12 protects our hear

Milk contains beneficial components such as water, fat, protein,  milk sugar, and minerals. Milk also contains amounts of other substances such as pigments, enzymes, vitamins, phospholipids (substances with fat properties), and gases.


Carrots have many advantages. You can drink carrot juice to increase your memory as well as carrot increases your sexual strength. Raw carrots contain 88% water, 9% carbohydrates, 0.9% protein,2.8% dietary fiber, 1% ash and 0.2% fat. vegetables::

The following components are found in green vegetables.
Vitamin A 187% Vitamin C 46%
Calcium 9% Iron 15%
Vitamin D 0% Vitamin B6 10% Magnesium 19%
Green vegetables are very beneficial in making the body healthy. This week for good health You can eat as many times as you want.


Spinach is widely considered to be a source of vitamins, including vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin C, vitamin E. Vitamin K and iron, calcium, magnesium manganese, phosphorus zinc, selenium, copper, folate, fiber,

:: here are some of the benefits of spinach::
(ⅰ) In weight loss
(ⅱ) For eyes
(ⅲ) Beneficial for cancer patients
(ⅰⅴ) For strong bones
(ⅴ) For blood pressure


 it is a fruit that kills cancer cells. It contains vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants such as beta-carotene which helps in working out the wrinkles of your skin and also reduces chronic inflammatory conditions. It works on heart diseases and also works on bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol. It works wrinkles and age effect

 Many vitamins and minerals are found in yogurts, such as vitamin B12, vitamin B5 calcium, phosphorus, and riboflavin. Eating it works by high cholesterol levels. And eating it gives instant energy A diabetic patient must eat it. eating it regularly does not cause constipation diarrhea and it strengthens the digestive system. It reduces body bile.

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