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Extreme Focus Mastery Of Life

Some such things have been mentioned in this blog post Which perhaps you may have never heard of, if you remain till the end of this post then you will know and understand yourself and I wish with all my heart that you should loot this treasure but there is a condition that only those who Will last till the end.  part of the blog will be able to loot it

Two years before his death, miyamoto musashi retired to a cave where he meditated and spent the rest of his life in solitude. During this time he wrote two books, The Book of Five Rings and Dokkodo miyamoto musashi was born in 1584. He was a samurai philosopher and He was a Buddhist monk. He fought 60 duels in his life and remained undefeated. His second book is 'Da Kodo' which he wrote a few days before his death. In this book, he has given the essence of his life and all the knowledge in 21 principles. Which we will learn in this blog post and use for ourselves

the first principal is

Accept Everything Just the Way It Is 

Says miyamoto musashi There are many situations in life that we cannot change

Instead of fighting such situations, miyamoto musashi tell us to move forward with the rhythm of life.

The things that we cannot change, that are not in our control, we should accept them wholeheartedly and move forward.

miyamoto musashi says accepting such circumstances is not a sign of weakness, but it is an opportunity to increase your own growth, to direct your energy towards the aspects of your life that you can change and that are within your control. miyamoto musashi says By accepting wholeheartedly what you cannot change, you become free from unnecessary burden.

The second principle is

Do Not Seek Pleasure for Its Own Sake.

We all love to have fun and for a little fun we are ready to do anything. Live miyamoto musashi  says it's too easy to read for instant happiness or a little fun. Instead of chasing instant happiness, Musa suggests finding happiness in things that last, like a new skill. Learning, creating something new or fulfilling one's passion. It is said that real happiness comes from within and not from outside things, therefore we should ask ourselves whether we are dependent on external things for happiness because when we As long as we depend on external things for happiness, we remain slaves to those things.

the third principal is

Do Not Under Any Circumstances Depend on a Partial Feeling

Do not depend on your emotions in any situation. miyamoto musashi says that we should not take decisions only on the basis of fleeting emotions because emotions keep flowing and changing. Musa further says that instead we should consider different factors.

should decide while doing From which we come to a right conclusion miyamoto musashi says that one should have a balanced and flexible approach to deal with the challenges of life.

The fourth principle is

Think Lightly of Yourself and Deeply of the world.

 Think less or less about yourself and deeply about the world.

Being a true warrior does not just mean bragging about yourself or always keeping yourself on top or increasing your ego but also staying humble and thinking about the world around you Miyamoto Musashi says that doing this is not a sign of weakness but Only strong people care about others

 Taking ourselves seriously all the time, by talking only about our ego, we cannot improve ourselves and cannot experience inner peace.

 The fifth principle is

 Be Detached from Desire Your Whole Life Long.

Today you want something else, your desire is something else but tomorrow you will want something else, the day after tomorrow it will be something else, this sequence will continue like this but miyamoto musashi says that you Don't want to cling too much to whatever desires you have.

When we get attached to anything, then that thing gradually dominates our mind and our entire life. In a way, we become its slave. This does not mean that we should not be ambitious. Shouldn't or shouldn't want to fulfill your dreams

The Sixth Principle is

Do Not Regret What You Have Done .

It is absolutely natural to regret the mistakes made in the past but as miyamoto musashi says, it is better to learn the lessons learned from your mistakes and learn from that experience or that Always remember the wisdom and make sure you don't repeat the same mistake no matter what you do.

Either positive or negative, every task brings with it some experiences and some lessons which help in increasing one's growth..

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