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How To Change Our Destiny In 2024

what is destiny and how it is formed?

In this post you will know what is destiny and how it is formed. Buddha says. I do not believe in the fate which depends on the good or bad deeds of man. Rather, I believe in the fate that man cannot make unless he does Karma. Let us understand this in simple words.

You must have heard these lines many times that who can erase the fate which is written, my destiny is already written, our fate is already written, people who think that we have bad luck. Or our destiny is already written.

change your destiny

How to rewrite your destiny?

I just want to ask them one thing, can you have a glass of water right now. Can you stand or lie down now, your answer will be. Yes, If your answer is yes to both these questions, then it means that your destiny is definitely pre-written. But the karma is still completely in your hands. You can do whatever you want with this body and mind. Do you accept this? Let's not assume that your destiny is not pre-written. You just assume that your hundred percent is in your hands. If you accept this, you can rewrite your destiny.

Can we alter our destiny and if so, how?

Now your question will be that how then let's understand. You have to do one thing. For a full 1 year, 1 year will probably be more. Let's go to 6 months I think 6 months is too much. Come on for 3 months I don't know why I feel like 3 months is too much for you. So let's just do it for 1 month. Now you must be thinking what to do. Understand carefully that you have to wake up at a certain time and exercise everyday and meditate twice in the morning and at night, you have to know something new about body and mind everyday You can take help of youtube or books.

Give right things to your body and mind, you have to be in the company of the right people. Have to read books every day, watch the right videos. You have to sleep on time at night. If you do all these things for a whole month.

Trust me you will change your destiny.

But the sad thing is that most of the people will not be able to do all these things because there is laziness inside them and only lazy people blame fate or destiny. Destiny is nothing but the karma done by you, the karma you sow today in the form of a seed, you get the fruit (results) of it in the future.

Do we have control over our destiny?

If you do good deeds you get good results and if you do bad deeds you get bad results. There is no such question of whether something is already written in your destiny or not written. Now you will say that why it happens that a person is poor by birth and some are rich by birth. The answer to your question is that you must have seen such people who were poor by birth, but became rich by their deeds (Karma) and you must have seen such people too. Those who were rich by birth, but became poor by their Karma. You should understand this. Whatever situation you get in life, there is a reason behind it and behind that reason, there is karma.

If a person is born handicapped, then there is a reason behind that too and behind the reason there is karma. That karma can be yours or it can be of your parents. We have two options. First sit and keep looking for different types of arguments to justify your beliefs and second stand up and take the responsibility of changing your destiny by your karma. Which one would you pick? Tell me Thank you.

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