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Remove Negative Feelings Permanently AtoZ Google Solution

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After reading this post, you will know about three such habits by adopting which you can control your mind. These are the habits that Gautam Buddha used to teach his monks. If you also want to adopt these habits. If you want to understand them, first of all you need patience. If you have patience then you can inculcate these habits in your life and this habits will Change Your Negative Thinking.

The first habit is eating less than expected, and energizing food. for example:- if you wish to eat four Breads, then eat only three Bread.

Lets understand why?

Someone has said a wonderful thing that the stomach can be filled but the mind cannot be filled. Most people eat to fill the mind, due to which food is no longer food for them, but becomes poison.

Gautam Buddha says, eat right food, right means as much as the body needs. Now the question arises that how to know what is the quantity of right food. The answer to this question is. Eat a little less than you want, if you feel like that you can eat two more breads, then eat only one.

You must have noticed that when you overeat your mind behaves differently and when you eat in limit your mind behaves differently.

Now eating in the limit does not mean that you start eating anything. Most people like to eat food that has no vitality.  Understand that there are two types of food. The first one that leads you to laziness. Leads to sleep because there is no energy in it itself. Second, the one that fills you with energy, which makes you aware, because there is energy within it, so always eat the right food in the limit and because what goes inside you definitely shows its effect.

The second habit is to keep oneself away from unnecessary information, Gautam Buddha used to tell his bhikkhus to see as much as is necessary, listen only as much as is necessary.

A wonderful thing that is found within all of us, but very few people know about it. That thing is a recorder which is always on inside us. Wherever we go, whatever we do, it is all recorded in this recorder. It doesn't matter whether the information is good or bad, it just records it.

We say that the mind is bad, it makes us do bad things, but we do not understand that the mind is not bad, that information is bad which goes inside us unconsciously. Understand one thing. If your mind takes food according to its own accord, it will keep you under its control and if you give food according to your mind, it will be in your control.

stop having negative thoughts

Understand with example. You run Facebook. You get a lot of information on Facebook, or YouTube. You also get a lot of information from YouTube. But how do you take this information? This is the biggest question.

This Things You Can Do To Get Rid of Negative Feelings And Thoughts

Information can be obtained in 3 ways.

The first way is to take information with the garbage

There is another way. Taking information without garbage

And, There is a third way. Taking only garbages

Garbage means information that is not of our use.

Understand the meaning of taking information with garbage. Suppose you searched on YouTube how to lose weight and immediately the result came in front of you and you saw the video but after that you also saw many more videos like comedy videos, prank videos or any movie. So what happened now that you have gathered a lot of wrong information along with one correct information which will make your mind strong and yourself weak.

Taking information without waste means you searched how to lose weight and immediately the result came in front of you and you only watched that video. Your mind tried to mislead you but you did not listen to it. In this way you make yourself strong and your mind becomes weak.

And just taking only garbage means you went on some social media platform for few minutes. You didn't even know and your many hours have passed, in this way you have given a lot of wrong information to the mind which is of no use in life. If you want your mind to be under your control, then you have to rein in it with awareness. You must know at all times what you are doing and why.

The third habit is meditation, I have written a whole post on it, the link of which is this, after reading this post you will know what is meditation and how is it done? Thank you!

If you want your mind to be under your control, then you have to rein in it with awareness.

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