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6 Scientific Reason to Celebrate Holi in 2024

 1) To Destroy Harmful Bacteria

Holi is generally celebrated in India in the month of March, and in this month the cold season is slowly ending and the heat(or Hot) season is slowly starting, so the atmosphere is neither too hot nor too cold. We can say that at this time the atmosphere is generally neutral, due to which many harmful bacteria start growing in the atmosphere and our body,  and they can also make us very sick.

Many people do not take baths due to the cold season, so the number of bacteria in their body can be high. In such a situation, it is very important to eliminate bacteria and to eliminate these bacteria, we celebrate Holika Dahan.

2) To Remove Tiredness.

Due to the changing weather from cold to hot, we start feeling sluggish and tired.

To eliminate this laziness, people play different types of musical instruments, they dance and sing, all these activities give us energy in a way that makes us feel refreshed.

3) The Color Therapy.

Today, those playing with synthetic colors can hardly understand this fact, Holi has been working as a color therapy for us long back.

In color therapy, any disease is treated with the use of colors only. In this therapy, different colors are applied to different parts of the body.

In the past, colors were made directly from nature. In olden times Holi colors were natural, most of the colors were made from neem, turmeric and sandalwood, these natural colors were very beneficial for the health of our body. Natural colors used to work to heal our body in a certain way.

And everyone knows that different types of colors have different effects on our brain.

Just as green relieves our stress, it relaxes the eyes, yellow color symbolizes energy, it increases our happiness and reduces depression. Red color removes our tiredness and laziness, blue color keeps us relaxed and saffron color keeps our emotion and energy both in balance.

4) Cleaning

Due to the change in the weather, the spread of insects and harmful bacteria near our homes also starts increasing very much.

Therefore, at such times, there is a need to clean up inside the house as well as around the house. And there will hardly be any such house in India Who wouldn't have cleaned? And we all know what are the benefits of cleaning.

So now you have understood that Holi is not only a religious festival but also a scientific festival. That is why is Holi so important.

Share this post with others so that they also understand what are the benefits of celebrating Holi.

5) Promotes Good Health And Good Skin

After Holika Dahan, a paste of ash, mango tree and sandalwood is applied on the forehead.
The reason behind this is that it is believed that it promotes good health and good skin. That is why on the day of Holi, everyone applies paste on their foreheads in the morning.

6 ) Positivity Increases

On the festival of Holi, everyone cleans their homes and their surroundings very well.
And after cleaning, they put the waste from their homes in Holika Dahan. Now there are two benefits of doing this, firstly, the waste that comes out after cleaning the house contains different types of bacteria which can spread again but when we put them in Holika Dahan then they get destroyed by burning.
And the second advantage is that when we see cleanliness around us, then positivity increases within us and we feel very good.


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