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"Journey of Awareness: Unveiling Life's True Meaning"

After studying for ten years, the monk had attained the position of a teacher at the monastery. On a day of heavy rainfall, he went to meet a renowned guru.

Arriving outside the ashram, he removed his umbrella and shoes before entering. As he stepped inside, the guru welcomed him with a question.

The question was, "Did you leave your shoes and umbrella outside?"

The answer was yes.

The guru then asked, "Did you place your umbrella on the left or right side of your shoes?"

The answer was, "I don't know." At that moment, the monk realized that he hadn't achieved complete awareness.


Despite spending an additional ten years under the guru's guidance for intensive study, he had not fully developed awareness.


What can we learn from this incident?



In today's time, it's strange that people engage in countless activities without knowing why they are doing them or what their purpose is. Many individuals are either lost in the past or focused on the future, causing dissatisfaction in the present.



In life, we can accomplish and learn a lot, but due to unawareness, we often miss out on numerous beautiful experiences. It's crucial for us to introspect and assess how we spend our time and where we allocate our resources, so we can comprehend the true meaning of our actions.



Awareness enables us to understand our actions, thoughts, and emotions. It helps us stay vigilant and make our lives meaningful.


The monk accepted his ignorance—the most significant step towards personal growth. By acknowledging our shortcomings, we can develop ourselves, choose the right path, and progress.

Guidance from a guru can help us transform ourselves completely, attain remarkable heights, and lead a fulfilling life

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