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How To Know Others Thoughts- A Zen Story


read others thoughts

In the heart of serene, remote mountains, there resided a wise and revered sage. This sage possessed a remarkable gift—the ability to decipher the thoughts of others. 

People from distant lands sought his wisdom, hoping to unlock the enigmas concealed within their minds.

One fateful day, a curious traveler ventured into the depths of these mountains, driven by an insatiable quest to unravel the secrets of understanding another's thoughts. The sage extended a warm welcome, inviting the traveler to sit beside a crackling fire, casting its dancing shadows upon their faces. 

With an air of tranquility, the sage shared his profound insight, saying, "To truly fathom the musings of others, you must first master the art of calming your own mind." 

In his hands, he held a bowl filled with water, agitated and turbulent like the traveler's own racing thoughts.

Perplexed, the traveler inquired, "But how can this bowl of water reveal the thoughts of others?" With a gentle smile, the sage replied, "Just as placid and profound waters reflect the world around them without resistance, a serene mind mirrors the thoughts of others. Until your mind is unburdened by preconceived notions and desires, you cannot genuinely grasp another's perspective."

The traveler pondered these words, trying to focus on the undisturbed water, yet his mind remained restless, like ripples in a pond. He confided in the sage about his struggles, and in response, the sage led him to a nearby pond where water flowed freely. "Observe the stream," advised the sage. "Just as it flows unhindered, let thoughts come and go naturally. Do not grasp or resist them. Permit them to enter and exit your consciousness."

As the traveler gazed at the flowing water, he began to experience a profound sense of tranquility. Days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and his mind gradually found peace. Now, the traveler comprehended the sage's teachings. The sage further counseled, "When engaged in conversation with others, release your preconceptions and listen with an open heart. Then, you shall genuinely grasp their thoughts."

The traveler embraced this counsel wholeheartedly. With an open heart and a calm mind, he could sense the unspoken words of those around him. One evening, as he prepared to depart from the sage's sanctuary, he expressed profound gratitude for the profound wisdom he had received. With a benevolent smile, the sage imparted one last crucial lesson:

"Understanding others isn't about deciphering their thoughts but connecting with their hearts. When you observe with compassion and listen with empathy, the language of thoughts becomes lucid and transparent." 

With this newfound knowledge, the traveler embarked on his journey, embracing the world with an open heart and a tranquil mind.

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